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  Great War British ASC Serviceman 3D Model
Great War British ASC Serviceman 3d model
Great War British ASC Serviceman
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Model's Description:

Great War British ASC Serviceman 3d model contains 193,773 polygons and 97,704 vertices.

A friend portraying a British ASC (Supply) Lance Corporal in the Suffolk Regiment. One cheveron upper left arm is for a Lance Corporal; appointed rank, one cheveron lower left is for 2 year’s service. Please correct me in the comments if I’ve got that wrong. Thanks! The officers and men of the ASC – sometimes referred to in a joking, disparaging way as Ally Sloper’s Cavalry – were the unsung heroes of the British Army in the Great War. Soldiers can not fight without food, equipment and ammunition. They can not move without horses or vehicles. It was the ASC’s job to provide them. In the Great War, the vast majority of the supply, maintaining a vast army on many fronts, was supplied from Britain. Using horsed and motor vehicles, railways and waterways, the ASC performed prodigious feats of logistics and were one of the great strengths of organisation by which the war was won. My 3D reconstruction generated with photogrammetry software 3DF Zephyr v3.702 processing 50 images - Great War British ASC Serviceman - 3D model by Beer Knight (@dontshootnow)
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  3df-zephyr (c) 2017-2021