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  Fir 3D Model
Fir 3d model
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Model's Description:

Fir 3d model contains 75,466 polygons and 70,224 vertices.

Content List: • 11 unique tree models, including a broken tree, the wood remains of which are: • 4 firs, 3 saplings, 1 small, 2 medium and 2 large trees in two different materials, equipped with LODs and billboards. • 6 - dry branches. Technical Information: • Tree meshes range between 700 to 9,000 tris and come with LOD levels and billboards • Textures are provided as 16-bit images, typically between 2048 and 4096 in size, and are atlased for maximum efficiency. - Fir - 3D model by Mirbek (@_Mirbek)
Model's Textures: (6)

    N Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    RGB Texture #4
    R Texture #5
    R Texture #6
Keywords:  tree   forest   foliage   nature   spruce   fir   low-poly   texture   pbr   lowpoly   low   gameasset   wood   material (c) 2017-2021