Cartoon Male Character 3D Model |
Model's Description: Cartoon Male Character 3d model contains 19,072 polygons and 9,828 vertices. This is Aryn, a Game ready Male character done in Blender. Its optimized, texturized and rigged male 3d model. It can be used in Unity, Unreal Engine, Mixamo to use standard animations… etc If you need any customized model you can Contact us! Inspect our shop if you are interested in buying more models, maybe you can find there the ones you need! - Cartoon Male Character - Base mesh - Game-Ready - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Your 3D Character (@your3dcharacter) |
Model's Textures: (2) RGB Texture #1 RGB Texture #2 |
Keywords: basemesh unreal mixamo game-ready unrealengine4 charactermodel malecharacter blender3dmodel character-model game-model low-poly-model cartooncharacter lowpolymodel male-human cartoonmodel base-mesh low-poly-blender blender-lowpoly male-character blender3d-modeling rigged-character stylizedmodel rigged-model stylizedcharacter charactermodeling unity low-poly blender3d characters characterdesign gamemodel male gameready riggedcharacter | |