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  Carp 3D Model
Carp 3d model
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Model's Description:

Carp 3d model contains 1,862 polygons and 965 vertices.

Geometry 884 Quads Number of quad faces 94 Triangles Number of triangle faces 1.9k converted to Triangles Number of faces Vertices 965 Number of vertices --------- Animation: 3 anims: swim slow, swim fast, eat. --------- Texture: PNG format, Size: 1024*1024. Full PBR maps: Diffuse, Normal, Displayment, Spec, Glossiness, Occlusion. Include UV map layer. --------- -link removed- - Carp - 3D model by josluat91
Model's Textures: (4)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    R Texture #3
    R Texture #4
Keywords:  fish   fishing   underwater   animals   ocean   aquatic   nature   seafood   carp   carpfish   animal   sea (c) 2017-2021