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  Yoga Figurine 3D Model
Yoga Figurine 3d model
Yoga Figurine
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Model's Description:

Yoga Figurine 3d model contains 96,864 polygons and 48,432 vertices.

Scan of a golden bronze yoga pose figurine. This decorative figure is sitting in a lotus pose with arms up above the head. Images of this prop were taken in a neutral lighting environment which does not produce hard shadows - feel free to spin the light around to see how it reacts to the light. 8K diffuse, spec and ambient occlusion textures. Enjoy! Alternative yoga figurie pose with arms down can be found at: - Yoga Figurine - Lotus Arms Up Pose - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by waitism
Model's Textures: (3)

    RGB Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    R Texture #3
Keywords:  bronze   pose   figure   sitting   prop   figurine   brass   lotus   decor   statue   woman   yoga   photogrammetry   scan   female   decoration   human   gold (c) 2017-2021