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  Yellow Boxfish 3D Model
Yellow Boxfish 3d model
Yellow Boxfish
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Model's Description:

Yellow Boxfish 3d model contains 1,780 polygons and 924 vertices.

Geometry 1.8k converted to Triangles Number of faces Vertices 924 Number of vertices Low poly, suitable for all types of projects (games or movies) and compatible for both mobile game projects. Animation Description: 3 anims: swim slow, swim fast, eat. The animation is basic Texture description: Full PBR maps: Diffuse, Normal, Displayment, Spec, Glossiness, Occlusion. Resolution of 1024 x 1024. Format description: Original model created by 3dsmax. Additional formats include FBX (you can import directly into the project immediately), obj. If there is a need for any type of model, send a message! We will provide. Thanks for your interest and love! - Yellow Boxfish - 3D model by josluat91
Model's Textures: (4)

    A Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    R Texture #4
Keywords:  fish   fishing   underwater   animals   shell   ocean   aquarium   aquatic   beach   nature   sealife   seafood   seaworld   boxfish   lowpoly   animal   animated   sea   boat (c) 2017-2021