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  X Y Z File for use in lessons 3D Model
X Y Z File for use in lessons 3d model
X Y Z File for use in lessons
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Model's Description:

X Y Z File for use in lessons 3d model contains 268 polygons and 136 vertices.

This is a simple 3D model of an X Y Z model that can be used in lesson when teaching children/teenages about 3D printing. This helps demonstrate the concept of how a 3D printer moves in relation to X Y and Z co-ordinates that are created from a G code of an STL file. Which in turn are created from a 3D model that is created in a 3D workspace using X Y and Z co-ordinates. This is an example of the free STL files that come with the lesson resources from learnbylayers All the lessons come pre planned and include teaching tutorials, lesson tasks, homeworks, answersheets, CAD video tutorials and assessments. If you are looking to start teaching 3D printing with your students, then learnbylayers will help you and is trusted by hundreds of schools in over 30 countries. For more information about learnbylayers from teachers visit the [testimonials] link here. ( Also ensure that you download the free lesson from the homepage
Model's Textures: (0)

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