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  Vintage Desk 3D Model
Vintage Desk 3d model
Vintage Desk
360 360 Preview
Model's Description:

Vintage Desk 3d model contains 4,496 polygons and 2,524 vertices.

2048x2048 textures packs (PBR Metal Rough, Unity HDRP, Unity Standard Metallic and UE4): PBR Metal Rough- BaseColor, AO, Height, Normal, Roughness and Metallic; Unity HDRP: BaseColor, MaskMap, Normal; Unity Standard Metallic: AlbedoTransparency, MetallicSmoothness, Normal; Unreal Engine 4: BaseColor, Normal, OcclusionRoughnessMetallic; The package also has the .fbx, .obj, .stl, .dae and .blend file
Model's Textures: (5)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    R Texture #3
    R Texture #4
    R Texture #5
Keywords:  object   office   world   wooden   desk   vintage   retro   antique   classic   furniture   table   dirty   old   asset   game   interior   horror   gameready (c) 2017-2021