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  Venomous toad Costume and mask 3D Model
Venomous toad Costume and mask 3d model
Venomous toad Costume and mask
360 360 Preview
Model's Description:

Venomous toad Costume and mask 3d model contains 340,552 polygons and 170,355 vertices.

Preliminary note : use “matcap” rendering mode to view the volume alone, without texture, and admire the volume of the fabric and mask ! 3D scan of the costume and mask of the Venomous Toad, character of a play based on Grimm’s and Anderson’s tales, produced by the small theatre company “Temps Fort Théatre”. The actor wear costume and mask for these gestured, speachless plays, which have been played all over the world. These masks, created by the french artist Dominique Sylvestre, are beautifully expresive, and the costumes are made with magnificent materials. - Venomous toad Costume and mask - 3D model by Gerpho 3D (@gerpho)
Model's Textures: (2)

    RGB Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
Keywords:  theatre   play   anderson   tale   gerpho   acute3d   dominique   sylvestre   temps-fort   gimm (c) 2017-2021