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  VSS Vintorez 3D Model
VSS Vintorez 3d model
VSS Vintorez
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Model's Description:

VSS Vintorez 3d model contains 6,718 polygons and 3,543 vertices.

The model looks like a VSS Vintorez. All parts of the model were made in full accordance with the original. Each dynamical part is separated and has correct pivot points, that allow easy animation and use in games. Advanced information: - single material for whole mesh; - set of 4K PBR textures; - set of 4K Unreal PBR textures; - set of 4K Unity PBR textures; - set of 4K CryEngine PBR textures; - FBX, DAE, ABC, OBJ and X3D file formats; - 4 level of details; Mesh details: LOD0 - 6718 LOD1 - 3359 LOD2 - 1678 LOD3 - 300 - VSS Vintorez - 3D model by FreakGames
Model's Textures: (4)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    R Texture #3
    R Texture #4
Keywords:  special   ops   vintorez   silencer   tactical   vss   rus   unity   unity3d   pbr (c) 2017-2021