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  United States Capitol low poly 3D Model
United States Capitol low poly 3d model
United States Capitol low poly
360 360 Preview
Model's Description:

United States Capitol low poly 3d model contains 173,257 polygons and 102,753 vertices.

Digital game low poly 3d model of the U.S. Capitol INFO: 1) Game model ready for export in Unreal engine 2) coordinates of the location of the model in space (x0, y0, z0) 3) All objects have names 4) All textures and materials are also named 5) The model is in real scale, system units - cm 6) Original file format - max 2014 Textures: 4 folders Big_home: 1) mask_big_home PNG - 4096x4096 2) t_big_home_ao 3) t_big_home_diffuse 4) t_big_home_normal 5) t_big_home_spec 6) wareframes_big_home Columns_steps: 1) mask_Column_steps PNG - 4096x4096 2) t_Column_ao 3) t_Column_normals 4) wareframe_Column_steps Dome: 1) mask_Dome PNG - 4096x4096 2) t_dome_ao 3) t_dome_diffuse 4) t_dome_normal 5) t_dome_specular 6) wareframes_Dome Windows: 1) mask_windows PNG - 4096x4096 2) t_windows_ao 3) t_windows_Diffuse 4) t_windows_normals 5) t_windows_spec 6) wareframes_windows - United States Capitol low poly - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by omg3d
Model's Textures: (14)

    N Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    N Texture #3
    N Texture #4
    RGB Texture #5
    RGB Texture #6
    RGB Texture #7
    RGB Texture #8
    R Texture #9
    R Texture #10
    R Texture #11
    R Texture #12
    R Texture #13
    R Texture #14
Keywords:  white   exterior   unreal   federal   capitol   washington   congress   dc   senate   engine   presidential   omg   trump   goverment   lowpoly   house   usa   building (c) 2017-2021