Ungüentarios romanos / Roman Unguent Bottles 3D Model |
Model's Description: Ungüentarios romanos / Roman Unguent Bottles 3d model contains 24,032 polygons and 12,049 vertices. Frascos romanos utilizados como contenedor de perfumes, ungüentos y bálsamos que podrían tener fines farmacéuticos o formar parte de ofrendas en distintos rituales. Hechos de vidrio soplado que podría tener distintas tonalidades y se caracterizan por su forma tubular de cuello largo. Roman flasks used as containers for perfumes, ointments and balms that could have pharmaceutical purposes or be part of offerings in different rituals. Made of blown glass that could have different shades and are characterized by their long-necked tubular shape. Más información / More info: https://alveusxr.com/modelo/unguentarios-romanos/ - Ungüentarios romanos / Roman Unguent Bottles - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by AlveusXR |
Model's Textures: (27) A Texture #1 N Texture #2 N Texture #3 N Texture #4 N Texture #5 N Texture #6 N Texture #7 RGB Texture #8 RGB Texture #9 RGB Texture #10 RGB Texture #11 RGB Texture #12 RGB Texture #13 R Texture #14 R Texture #15 R Texture #16 R Texture #17 R Texture #18 R Texture #19 R Texture #20 R Texture #21 R Texture #22 R Texture #23 R Texture #24 R Texture #25 R Texture #26 R Texture #27 |
Keywords: roman cultural-heritage archaeology-3dmodel archaeology unguentarium |
models.ripper@gmail.com |