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  Undead Knight 3D Model
Undead Knight 3d model
Undead Knight
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Model's Description:

Undead Knight 3d model contains 1,193,591 polygons and 562,777 vertices.

Model is decimated for display in Sketchfab only. Attached high-resolution Zbrush .ztl sculpt in both neutral stance and posed. Not UV’ed. Weapons (Sword/Shield) are included in the files. Textures may look off due to the custom material was applied durring texturing, thus, for the best result, please switch to “Textured Metal” material and adjust the material parameters for the desired look
Model's Textures: (0)

Keywords:  skulls   skeleton   demon   ornament   undead   characterart   zombies   3d-model   charactermodel   evildead   skull-3d-model   character   3d   3dsmax   skull   characterdesign   3dmodel   fantasy   knight   evil   zombie (c) 2017-2021