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  Two of the Osirian chapels, Karnak North 3D Model
Two of the Osirian chapels, Karnak North 3d model
Two of the Osirian chapels, Karnak North
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Model's Description:

Two of the Osirian chapels, Karnak North 3d model contains 499,999 polygons and 252,006 vertices.

The Egyptian-Chinese joint mission at Munto Temple, North Karnak Documentation stage before the conservation and restoration process Photogrammetry 3D model generated using AGIsoft Metashape from 1800 images, Sony a7 with Sony 24 mm f/4. 10/1/2019 Six doors in the south wall of the Montu precinct lead to six chapels dedicated by Divine Votaresses of Amen to different forms of Osiris. From west to east they are: (a) chapel of Nitocris (Psamtik I); (b) Amenirdis (Shabako or Shabataka); (c) and (d) unattributed; (e) Karomama (Takelot II); (f) reign of Taharka. These chapels may not have been included in the precinct until the girdle wall was built under Nectanebo I and II, as there are other chapels of the same type outside of the precinc « The Montu Precinct at North-Karnak » in K.A. Bard éd. Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt - Two of the Osirian chapels, Karnak North - 3D model by Ibrahim Mustafa Ibrahim (@imhotep25)
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  chapel   egyptian   archaeological   egyptology   karnak   nitocris   metashape   agisoft   photogrammetry   archaeology-3dmodel-photogrammetry   karnak-temple   egyptian-chinese-joint-mission   munto-temple   pasmatik_i   amenirdis   shabako   shabataka (c) 2017-2021