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  Truck 2-Axis (Rigged Low-Poly Version) 3D Model
Truck 2-Axis (Rigged Low-Poly Version) 3d model
Truck 2-Axis (Rigged Low-Poly Version)
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Model's Description:

Truck 2-Axis (Rigged Low-Poly Version) 3d model contains 33,274 polygons and 17,636 vertices.

Here is the rigged low poly version of the truck with 2 axles. High-Poly Version Included models: Truck_2_axis_rigged Object Dimensions - 3.158m x 6.262m x 3.077m Vertices = 6817 Polygons = 7853 Truck-2-axis_not_rigged Object Dimensions - 3.158m x 6.262m x 3.284m Vertices = 7665 Polygons = 8787 Tank_truck_2_axis Object Dimensions - 0.703m x 1.162m x 0.732m Vertices = 284 Polygons = 396 Wheel_1_truck-2-axis Object Dimensions - 0.370m x 1.035m x 1.035m Vertices = 122 Polygons = 144 Wheel_2_truck-2-axis Object Dimensions - 0.671m x 1.029m x 1.029m Vertices = 302 Polygons = 324 Last update: 23:17:34 13.06.22 Demo Video 3d modeled, textured, rigged and animated by 3DHaupt with Blender-2.93 - Truck 2-Axis (Rigged Low-Poly Version) - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by VIS-All-3D (@VIS-All)
Model's Textures: (7)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    R Texture #4
    R Texture #5
    R Texture #6
    R Texture #7
Keywords:  modern   truck   heavy   transport   lkw   blender-3d   lastwagen   3dhaupt   low-poly   industrial   industrial-vehicle   2-axis   truck-design (c) 2017-2021