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  Tree house 3D Model
Tree house 3d model
Tree house
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Model's Description:

Tree house 3d model contains 281,446 polygons and 148,451 vertices.

Hi everyone ! It is my pleasure to present this cute treehouse to you that will blend in with any decor of this style ! You can integrate this mini scene in all your games or animations and create a unique decor of which only you have the secret ! This pack contains: A tree A tree-house Furniture (chairs, tables, shelves …) Accessories (Books, flowers, boxes …) Ladder Fence A bike A picnic blanket A garnished basket (lettuce, carrots, eggplants, apples …) Plates and glass Rocks and grass In fact, everything you see in the images above. Let your imagination take you ! Enjoy ! - Tree house - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by ApprenticeRaccoon
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  tree   bike   fence   cute   shelf   picnic   exterior   ladder   furniture   leaf   rope   hut   branch   nature   isometric   vegetable   book   lowpoly   house (c) 2017-2021