Transfiguration Cathedral (Dnepr, Ukraine) 3D Model |
Model's Description: Transfiguration Cathedral (Dnepr, Ukraine) 3d model contains 57,554 polygons and 33,064 vertices. Asset for Citites Skylines. Transfiguration Cathedral (Spaso-Preobrazhenskiy sobor) in the Dnepr city (Ukraine). The initial project of the architect Claude Gueroi was made in 1786. At first it was planned that the Transfiguration Cathedral would be larger than St. Paul’s Cathedral in Rome. In 1787, Empress Catherine II laid the first stone in the foundation of the cathedral. The Austrian Emperor Joseph II laid the second stone in the foundation of the cathedral. The construction of the cathedral was resumed in 1830. In 1835, construction was completed. The cathedral was built in the style of classicism, designed by Andreyan Zakharov. Transfiguration Cathedral became the second stone building in Yekaterinoslav. - Transfiguration Cathedral (Dnepr, Ukraine) - 3D model by targa (@targettius) |
Model's Textures: (8) A Texture #1 A Texture #2 A Texture #3 A Texture #4 N Texture #5 N Texture #6 RGB Texture #7 RGB Texture #8 |
Keywords: cathedral game_asset cities blender-3d game-asset citiesskylines low-poly-model game-assets lowpolymodel dnepr dnepropetrovsk dnipro low-poly-blender sobor low-poly lowpoly cities-skylines church ekaterinoslav ortodox-church dniprovetrovsk ortodox-cathedral | |