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  Tesla Cybertruck Low-poly 3D 3D Model
Tesla Cybertruck Low-poly 3D 3d model
Tesla Cybertruck Low-poly 3D
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Model's Description:

Tesla Cybertruck Low-poly 3D 3d model contains 10,884 polygons and 6,643 vertices.

Tesla Cybertruck Low-poly 3D. You can use these models in any game and project. This model is made with order and precision. The color of the body and wheels can be changed. Separated parts (body. wheel). Very low poly. Average poly count: 10/000 Tris. Texture size: 128/256 (PNG). Number of textures: 2. Number of materials: 2. format: fbx, obj, 3d max. - Tesla Cybertruck Low-poly 3D - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Sidra (@Sidramax)
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  police   truck   vehicles   tesla   taxi   models   cars-vehicles   low-poly   3d   vehicle   low   poly   car   2022   cybertruck   tesla-cybertruck (c) 2017-2021