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  Tencthys cursed anchor 3D Model
Tencthys cursed anchor 3d model
Tencthys cursed anchor
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Model's Description:

Tencthys cursed anchor 3d model contains 5,278 polygons and 2,772 vertices.

An anchor with incredibly powerful magic. It was fashioned for Tencthys as a pledge of blessing for his sacrament of Young Ocean Gods. Over the years, this powerful tool transformed him into an impulsive and scornful rape god. All his hatred and anger was immediately sealed inside this object and then hidden from the eyes of the world. Today the name of Tencthys is only at the stadium of legend or dusty old writings that few take seriously. If this artifact resurfaces and enters in the wrong hand… it could be a devastating scourge
Model's Textures: (7)

    A Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    RGB Texture #4
    R Texture #5
    R Texture #6
    R Texture #7
Keywords:  legend   myth   anchor   tentacles   bonk   cursed   monsterweapon (c) 2017-2021