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  Tanker Ship 3D Model
Tanker Ship 3d model
Tanker Ship
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Model's Description:

Tanker Ship 3d model contains 193,100 polygons and 100,807 vertices.

Ship: Tanker Class: Suez-Max Full length: 322 m Full width: 47 m I finally built the tanker after weeks of experience. It’s the second series of civilian ships after LNG carriers. I think it took at least several times more time than the previous LNG carrier. Compared to the previous one, the quality went up even more because it added various textures. In addition, we have created a virtual shipping company for this “private ship series,” and the name of the shipping company is “Baekyang Shipping.” The white part of the ship is where the helicopter landing site and the logo were originally located. P.S Maybe the next one is a North Korean submarine
Model's Textures: (0)

Keywords:  oil   tanker   industry   cargoship   cargo   ship   oiltanker   tankership (c) 2017-2021