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  T Shirts 3D Model
T Shirts 3d model
T Shirts
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Model's Description:

T Shirts 3d model contains 61,768 polygons and 31,193 vertices.

Poly Model of a T shirt with 3 different levels of detail. Also included is a Zip with the PSD file allowing easy addaption. Edit: for some reason the PSD while uploaded is not available to download and cannot find a way to fix this problem. Please contact me after purchase ideally with the invoice at and I will send you the required file should you need it
Model's Textures: (4)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    R Texture #3
    R Texture #4
Keywords:  tshirt   shirt   fashion   clothes   ready   cotton   shirts   game   low   poly   clothing   t-shit (c) 2017-2021