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  Stylized handpainted Poppy 3D Model
Stylized handpainted Poppy 3d model
Stylized handpainted Poppy
360 360 Preview
Model's Description:

Stylized handpainted Poppy 3d model contains 11,088 polygons and 6,694 vertices.

Poppies handpainted model. Overlapping UVs (texture atlas) The archive contains following files: .MA file (original MAYA file, version 2022) FBX file OBJ Texture set: Poppy_BaseColor (1024 * 1024 and 4096 * 4096 ) Poppy_Opacity (1024 * 1024 and 4096 * 4096 ) If you have any additional questions or any problems related to the model, kindly contact me
Model's Textures: (2)

    RGB Texture #1
    R Texture #2
Keywords:  plant   flower   prop   painted   poppy   nature   ukranian   ukraine   bouquet   poppies   handpainted   interior   gameready   environment (c) 2017-2021