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  Straw hat for Roblox game. 3D Model
Straw hat for Roblox game. 3d model
Straw hat for Roblox game.
360 360 Preview
Model's Description:

Straw hat for Roblox game. 3d model contains 600 polygons and 323 vertices.

This is a low-poly straw hat for Roblox Game. I used with my game development and Roblox Studio and works great. This archive comes with texture and 3D files: FBX; OBJ; BLEND; This model and any head model can be used with my script from here. This website has a minimal price for sell and is $ 3.99 ! You can find it on the Roblox website, but If you buy from here this will help me to create more content this is the main idea! you can find this model on Roblox area - Straw hat for Roblox game
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  blend   obj   fbx   roblox   fbx-mesh   blender28   game   3d   blender   blender3d   fbx-object-model (c) 2017-2021