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  Stegosaurus Charles Robert Knight 3D Model
Stegosaurus Charles Robert Knight 3d model
Stegosaurus Charles Robert Knight
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Model's Description:

Stegosaurus Charles Robert Knight 3d model contains 81,019 polygons and 41,544 vertices.

Reproduction of the late 18th century painting of Charles Robert Knight - a founder of the paleoreconstructions, a diffuser of dinosaurs. People’s ideas about prehistoric animals are changing over time wich is becoming the part of the history for itself. The Art based on this ancient knowledge and drawings, attempts to repeat and develop those ideas, all of this gave birth of a rare but interesting style - #RetroPaleoArt It’s practically as #RetroFuturism but in the contest of paleontology. It isn’t my first attempt to do this art. I worked around the clock on it in 2014, 2017 and 2020 years, so you can see the progress on one of the pictures. Also, this is my first experience with Unreal Engine - Stegosaurus Charles Robert Knight - reproduction - 3D model by ya.iljinser
Model's Textures: (10)

    N Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    RGB Texture #4
    RGB Texture #5
    RGB Texture #6
    R Texture #7
    R Texture #8
    R Texture #9
    R Texture #10
Keywords:  dinosaurs   stegosaurus   unrealengine   art   zbrush   cinema4d   retropaleoart   ya_iljinser (c) 2017-2021