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  Spooky Ghost Halloween 3D Model
Spooky Ghost Halloween 3d model
Spooky Ghost Halloween
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Model's Description:

Spooky Ghost Halloween 3d model contains 23,638 polygons and 11,829 vertices.

Spooky Gost Halloween for videogames. Texturing with a simple gradient 256x256, ready for mobile game performance. Blender Native File, fbx exporter. 256x256 PNG texture. Accept freelance jobs. Do not hesitate to write me. -------------Terms of Use-------------- Commercial use of the assets provided is permitted but cannot be included in an asset pack or sold at any sort of asset/resource marketplace
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  dead   haunted   scary   hood   casual   snap   boo   emoji   cartoon   game   blender   witch   house   stylized   ghost   halloween   spooky   horror   booh   noai (c) 2017-2021