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  Snowdrop Fairy Posed Low 3D Model
Snowdrop Fairy Posed Low 3d model
Snowdrop Fairy Posed Low
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Model's Description:

Snowdrop Fairy Posed Low 3d model contains 54,792 polygons and 27,810 vertices.

Pose based on artwork by Sevelquae AKA Jade Sivan. Mesh created by me. I was trying to quickly create a retopologized mesh so I could rig the character using zspheres. This mesh isn’t perfect and the wireframe is a little smooshed from sculpting. In hindsight, having so many 3 pointed star/kite areas is not great for sculpting, and creates pinching when subdivision levels are added
Model's Textures: (0)

Keywords:  sculpt   anatomy   retopology   retopo   posed   retopologized   femalecharacter   female   female-model   posedcharacter (c) 2017-2021