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  Sketchfab Weekly 3D Model
Sketchfab Weekly 3d model
Sketchfab Weekly
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Model's Description:

Sketchfab Weekly 3d model contains 80,604 polygons and 40,873 vertices.

For this week I made another little tribute. This time for the creator of another of the most iconic cult characters of the horror genre. Ok, maybe it’s not specifically a piano but it has a keyboard 😅 Board inspiration - Sketchfab Weekly - Piano - Bram Stoker's Piano - 3D model by Dark Mermaids (@darkmermaids)
Model's Textures: (3)

    RGB Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
Keywords:  music   instrument   6   bram   dracula   week   stoker   sketchfabweeklychallenge   cartoon   piano   stylized   fantasy (c) 2017-2021