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  Sketchfab Investigation: "A cold death" 3D Model
Sketchfab Investigation: "A cold death" 3d model
Sketchfab Investigation: "A cold death"
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Model's Description:

Sketchfab Investigation: "A cold death" 3d model contains 4,576 polygons and 4,690 vertices.

**Welcome SFI-Agent! ** A new Sketchfab Investigation is waiting for you. Here is your briefing: There is a dead male person, about 30 years old. The Forensics has taken the body from the scene. We can start from a murderer! The person who runs this outpost, Tim Berland, is arrested but says nothing. Now we we must rely on your intuition and analytical skills. Your Objective: Find the WEAPON Find out the MOTIVE Contact Robert Kotsch private (PLEASE NO PUBLIC COMMENT to keep the fun for all) with your results. Good luck! *** Click Annotation 1 to start *** Tech Specs: under 5k verts 2k map for environment 2k map for the helicopter - Sketchfab Investigation: "A cold death" - 3D model by Robert Kotsch (@robertkotsch)
Model's Textures: (12)

    A Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    N Texture #3
    RGB Texture #4
    RGB Texture #5
    RGB Texture #6
    RGB Texture #7
    RGB Texture #8
    R Texture #9
    R Texture #10
    R Texture #11
    R Texture #12
Keywords:  scene   blood   death   copter   chopper   diorama   crime   cold   investigation   sfi   csi   substance   painter   maya   pbr   helicopter (c) 2017-2021