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  Shawabti 1 3D Model
Shawabti 1 3d model
Shawabti 1
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Model's Description:

Shawabti 1 3d model contains 300,000 polygons and 150,002 vertices.

Small shawabti (ushebti) figurine. This is a modern forgery manufactured in the 1920s in Luxor, Egypt. Purchased (1 of 3) in Luxor in 2002. According to the shop keeper, his grandfather and great grandfather produced them by making molds from real figurines. Another one made by the same family can be seen here: Produced using Agisoft Photoscan using an automated turntable and a Canon EOS Rebel T3i
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  egypt   luxor   forgery   ancient-egypt   shawabti   ushebti   faience (c) 2017-2021