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  Sea Chest 3D Model
Sea Chest 3d model
Sea Chest
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Model's Description:

Sea Chest 3d model contains 17,043 polygons and 9,599 vertices.

Underwater scene based on my concept art below. Scene modelled and animated in Blender. Textures painted with the help of the BPainter add-on by Andreas Esau. Concept art painted in Procreate on iPad Pro. Textures are diffuse only, 1024x1024px for sea floor, rocks and backdrop, and 512x512px for the rest. - Sea Chest - 3D model by Rory Baxter (@rorydbaxter)
Model's Textures: (7)

    RGB Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    RGB Texture #4
    RGB Texture #5
    RGB Texture #6
    R Texture #7
Keywords:  gamescene   game   blender   blender3d   gameart   gameasset (c) 2017-2021