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  Scan Black Lives Matter mural 3D Model
Scan Black Lives Matter mural 3d model
Scan Black Lives Matter mural
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Model's Description:

Scan Black Lives Matter mural 3d model contains 400,000 polygons and 199,898 vertices.

If you want to get an email each week when we release new photogrammetry models you can subscribe here: A colorful Black Lives Matters mural on East Pine Street, Seattle, described by one onlooker as a “masterpiece”, was completed by anti-racism protesters on June 11, 2020. The work was carried out by protesters in an area of the city they have occupied and dubbed the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). Police have left the area to the protesters, but were still responding to 911 calls there, and seeking to establish dialogue with the protest leaders, the Seattle Times said. Local photographer Kyle Kotajarvi captured the completed mural using a drone before posting the footage on Twitter. In a thread accompanying the footage, he said, “A masterpiece was created in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone today.” Created in RealityCapture by Capturing Reality from 69 images in 00h:36m:35s
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  3dscanning   seattle   matter   blacklivesmatter   lives   blm   realitycapture   black   talekeep (c) 2017-2021