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  Santas Sleigh 3D Model
Santas Sleigh 3d model
Santas Sleigh
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Model's Description:

Santas Sleigh 3d model contains 80,588 polygons and 41,487 vertices.

**Cute Unlit Santa’s Sleigh ** Textured with gradient atlas, so it is performant for mobile games and video games. Like a few of my other assets in the same style, it uses a single texture diffuse map and is mapped using only color gradients. All gradient textures can be extended and combined to a large atlas. There are more assets in this style to add to your game scene or environment. Check out my sale. If you want to change the colors of the assets, you just need to move the UVs on the atlas to a different gradient. Or contact me for changes, for a small fee. -------------Terms of Use-------------- Commercial use of the assets provided is permitted but cannot be included in an asset pack or sold at any sort of asset/resource marketplace.* 9213140 5207418 - Santa's Sleigh - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Stylized Box (@Stylized_Box)
Model's Textures: (3)

    A Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
Keywords:  tree   lantern   toon   cute   winter   santa   xmas   snow   christmas   gift   holiday   present   casual   sleigh   cartoon   game   styliezed (c) 2017-2021