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  SMLE-MK4 / Lee-Enfield no.4 rifle 3D Model
SMLE-MK4 / Lee-Enfield no.4 rifle 3d model
SMLE-MK4 / Lee-Enfield no.4 rifle
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Model's Description:

SMLE-MK4 / Lee-Enfield no.4 rifle 3d model contains 25,192 polygons and 13,843 vertices.

SMLE or short, magazine lee-enfield rifle is bolt action rifle that commonly use during World War 2 by british empire. This game model are purposed for First Person game but suitable for third person game and other. Model information : available format : FBX, obj , and blend Blend format already rigged FBX and obj already in separated part for rigging rifle (6,90cm X 108cm x 20,80cm) (4117 verts, 7435 Tris) scope (5,62cm X 28,6cm x 8,38cm) (1872 verts, 3228 Tris) texture size: rifle(4096x4096), scope(2048x2948) Overlapping/mirror UV in back stock, trigger, and some part pbr base(metal), cryengine, unreal engine, and unity texture in texture file /folder TIP : The model may appear more shiny in some render engine, tweak the roughness map for fix it. For best result (like in the image) set roughness to noncolourdata /uncheck Srgb in your render engine or increase the roughness by multiply it by 1,5 to 2 - SMLE-MK4 / Lee-Enfield no.4 rifle - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Michael Karel (@michaelkarel)
Model's Textures: (10)

    N Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    RGB Texture #4
    R Texture #5
    R Texture #6
    R Texture #7
    R Texture #8
    R Texture #9
    R Texture #10
Keywords:  rifle   smle   sniper-rifle   ww2weapons   bolt-action-rifle   lee-enfield   military   ww2_rifle   ww2-sniper (c) 2017-2021