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  Roman Nude Venus Statuette 3D Model
Roman Nude Venus Statuette 3d model
Roman Nude Venus Statuette
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Model's Description:

Roman Nude Venus Statuette 3d model contains 798,986 polygons and 399,493 vertices.

Roman Nude Venus Statuette 1st century BC-2nd century AD A bronze figure of Venus (Greek Aphrodite) standing nude with right leg bent; the hair gathered in a chignon with strands extending to the shoulders and back, fine facial detailing with slightly protrusive annular eyes and small pert mouth; ribbed bracelet to the left upper arm; hand extended holding a pomegranate between thumb and forefingers; mounted on a custom-made display stand. 803 grams, 21cm including stand (8 1/4”). Very fine condition, right arm absent
Model's Textures: (0)

Keywords: (c) 2017-2021