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  Rlim the Shamaness 3D Model
Rlim the Shamaness 3d model
Rlim the Shamaness
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Model's Description:

Rlim the Shamaness 3d model contains 64,867 polygons and 33,444 vertices.

Rlim is the occupational name of a forest-dwelling minority priestess, a girl who obtains an oracle by offering half of her body to the snake god as a dependency. Her left eye, which is discolored, is the result of this. The accessories on her head and chest are in the shape of a god. 琉璃蟲(るりむ)は、とある森に暮らす少数民族の巫女の職名で、その体の半分を依り代として蛇神に差し出すことで神託を得る少女です。変色した左目はその影響です。頭や胸のアクセサリーは神の姿を模したものです。 - Rlim the Shamaness - 3D model by scramasax
Model's Textures: (6)

    A Texture #1
    A Texture #2
    A Texture #3
    N Texture #4
    RGB Texture #5
    RGB Texture #6
Keywords:  avatar   original   shaman   oriental   originalcharacter   priestess   ethnic   vrchat   anime-style   vrchat-avatar   character   girl   blender   fantasy (c) 2017-2021