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  Rhino Animated Rigged 3D Model
Rhino Animated Rigged 3d model
Rhino Animated Rigged
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Model's Description:

Rhino Animated Rigged 3d model contains 7,738 polygons and 3,938 vertices.

Rhino character for games and animations. The model is game ready and compatible with game engines. Included Files: Maya (Source files, Rig) for Unity and Unreal (.ma, .mb) - 2015 - 2020 FBX for Unity - 2014 - 2020 FBX for Unreal - 2014 - 2020 OBJ Unity Project - Preconfigured Humanoid Rig Supports Humanoid Animation: Preconfigured Humanoid Rig & Animation Clips Unity Humanoid compatible FBX Mixamo Low poly model with four texture resolutions 4096x4096, 2048x2048, 1024x1024 & 512x512. The package includes 20 Animations: Walk Run Idle Jump Leap left Leap right Death Skidding Roll Crash Power up Whirl Whirl jump Waving in air Backwards run Dizzy Gum Bubble Gliding Waving Looking behind The model is fully rigged and can be easily animated or modified if required. The model is game ready at: 3946 Polys 3938 Verts UV mapped with non-overlapping UV’s. The shadows and lights are baked in the texture
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  humanoid   toon   cute   little   chibi   baby   toy   biped   rhino   animals   unreal   wild   mammal   rhinoceros   zoo   run   jungle   character   unity   cartoon   game   3d   lowpoly   model   animation   animated   rigged (c) 2017-2021