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  Red Velvet Stanchion Rope 3D Model
Red Velvet Stanchion Rope 3d model
Red Velvet Stanchion Rope
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Model's Description:

Red Velvet Stanchion Rope 3d model contains 24,472 polygons and 12,294 vertices.

Red Velvet Stanchion Rope IMPORTANT NOTES: Red fabric texture is included. This model does not have materials, but it has separate generic materials, it is also separated into parts, so you can easily assign your own materials. Just the part with the red fabric texture have unwrapped UVs. Just the parts with texture have Unwrapped UVs Just the parts with texture have Unwrapped UVs If you have any questions about this model, you can send us a message
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  cinema   red   exhibit   hotel   other   fun   club   security   line   architectural   theater   park   rope   bank   lobby   nightclub   movie   pole   theme   carpet   queue   velvet   crowd   divider   stanchion   potelet (c) 2017-2021