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  RTG Port Crane 3D Model
RTG Port Crane 3d model
RTG Port Crane
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Model's Description:

RTG Port Crane 3d model contains 8,118 polygons and 5,124 vertices.

RTG Port Crane 3D Model was created with the highest quality standard: Clear topology has quads and tris grid only There are no N-gons, Non-Manifold geometry or Doubles vertices The model origin has zero transform position at the center of the scene The model has clear UV map and applied material Includes 2048x2048 .png PBR textures Textures and maps included: Basecolor, Normal, Roughness, Metalness, Displacement, Specular, Glossiness * All scales of 3D objects are close to the real object’s scales No plugins used or needed to open or use this model All parts of the model have clear names The model is ready for rigging and animation All-Purpose 2.79 and 4.0.2 Blender files included (Can be opened in any blender software) Other file formats included: .Blend (Original 2.79 and 3.4.1), .Max(2010), .Mb(2014), .C4D(R26), .3Ds, .abc, .dae, .fbx (All-Purpose), .obj (All-Purpose), .stl, ,ply, .x3d, .glb, .usdc; Thanks for choosing our products and best regards! - RTG Port Crane - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Cordy
Model's Textures: (4)

    A Texture #1
    A Texture #2
    N Texture #3
    RGB Texture #4
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