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  Poly-Art Innkeeper Medieval Fantasy 3D Model
Poly-Art Innkeeper Medieval Fantasy 3d model
Poly-Art Innkeeper Medieval Fantasy
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Model's Description:

Poly-Art Innkeeper Medieval Fantasy 3d model contains 1,996 polygons and 1,000 vertices.

Charming Innkeeper, crafted in low poly style in a classic apron and ready for a bustling day, great addition to any medieval game environment. With a design that balances personality and simplicity. Uses a very small color palette texture. Basic rig(bones+skin) ready for animation compatible with Unity Humanoid System Created with 3ds Max 2023. Included .MAX format as additional file
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  rpg   medieval   tavern   npc   game-asset   poly-art   unity   low-poly   stylized   fantasy   rigged   vr-ar   inkeeper (c) 2017-2021