Model's Description:
Piaggio Ape V-Curve Food Track 3d model contains 147,875 polygons and 77,671 vertices.
Polys: 75535
Triangles: 148002
Verts: 77478
Render: Corona
Formats: 3dsmax 2013 corona, Blender, FBX,
The model is divided into 6 separate parts.
The model is built in real size.
A smoothing modifier can be applied to the body part (Ape_V_Curve_Body_SmoothReady).
There are 2 assemblies in the archive. One for 3ds max corona render. Another FBX for use with PBR textures.
The * .blend file contains a rig for animation of the body and glass. The rest of the files have a separate model in a closed state and an open one.
The model is easy to edit and change textures. All materials are have UVW Map.
- Piaggio Ape V-Curve Food Track - 3D model by Zimov Evgeniy (@evgenn3d) |