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  Photoscan Low-poly Earth Rubble soil pile 3D Model
Photoscan Low-poly Earth Rubble soil pile 3d model
Photoscan Low-poly Earth Rubble soil pile
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Model's Description:

Photoscan Low-poly Earth Rubble soil pile 3d model contains 11,660 polygons and 6,280 vertices.

Low-poly photogrammetry scan of a small pile of soil earth rubble with vegetation details for use as background asset. Correct white balance on the source photos. Created using RealityCapture + Blender. Triangles: 11660 Texture resolution (Diffuse & Normal): 4096x4096 - Photoscan Low-poly Earth Rubble soil pile - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Martin Topolski (@martin.topolski)
Model's Textures: (2)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
Keywords:  scene   vfx   abandoned   terrain   small   prop   urban   unreal   level   trash   sand   dirt   debris   pile   garbage   dirty   props   rubble   destroyed   background   stack   rocky   game-ready   bulgaria   optimized   mound   kitbash   sandy   heap   remains   reality-capture   unity   low-poly   asset   blender   lowpoly   stone   building   street   "construction"   "material"   "gameready" (c) 2017-2021