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  Pallet Compost bin painted 3D Model
Pallet Compost bin painted 3d model
Pallet Compost bin painted
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Model's Description:

Pallet Compost bin painted 3d model contains 653,021 polygons and 399,521 vertices.

Organic waste composter compost bins made of wooden freight cargo shipping pallets pallet with some painted decor Composting is the gardener’s way of recycling old plant material into rich, soil-nourishing compost. Wooden pallets are often free to source and are the perfect size for making a large compost bin. Use my other models to add more fresh dumped waste photogrammetry scan (36MP x 250 photos, 4x8K texture + HD normals) - Pallet Compost bin painted - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by matousekfoto
Model's Textures: (4)

    RGB Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    RGB Texture #4
Keywords:  pallet   wooden   grass   terrain   archviz   garden   dump   3d-scan   prop   urban   build   junk   diy   pile   cut   waste   recycle   bin   3d-scanning   nature   compost   gardening   composter   heap   lawn   pul   photoscan   photogrammetry   home   mow   mown (c) 2017-2021