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  Owl Statue Aquarium Decoration 3D Model
Owl Statue Aquarium Decoration 3d model
Owl Statue Aquarium Decoration
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Model's Description:

Owl Statue Aquarium Decoration 3d model contains 4,246 polygons and 2,156 vertices.

This is a game asset that will be part of a content update for the game ‘Fishery’. The idea behind it is that it is a simple but sweet statue that can be placed by players into their aquarium as a decoration and fish can swim around it and it is all very nice and relaxing. For anyone interested in the game it can be found here: - Owl Statue Aquarium Decoration - 3D model by Undercover Cheese (@UndercoverCheese3D)
Model's Textures: (4)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    R Texture #3
    R Texture #4
Keywords:  owl   fish   cute   mudbox   aquarium   statue   tank   fishtank   normalmapping   fishery   substance   painter   maya   asset   game   pbr   lowpoly   gameart   low   poly   animal   decoration   textured   sculpture (c) 2017-2021