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  Orthodox Angel Statue Scan 3D Model
Orthodox Angel Statue Scan 3d model
Orthodox Angel Statue Scan
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Model's Description:

Orthodox Angel Statue Scan 3d model contains 395,677 polygons and 198,151 vertices.

Scan made from 325 images processed in RealityCapture on a high detail preset. Mesh itself is decimated to fit the 50MB size limit and it’s texture is downscaled to 8K. Send me an e-mail over at if you want the original unprocessed scan, which has 5x the detail. Located at Kuyshi Dina St. 27, Astana ( A huge thanks goes to my dearest friends - Slava, Dasha and Tanat! - Orthodox Angel Statue Scan - Download Free 3D model by renderpunk
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  realitycapture   photogrammetry   blender   scan   3dscan (c) 2017-2021