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  Obama Hope Poster 3D Model
Obama Hope Poster 3d model
Obama Hope Poster
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Model's Description:

Obama Hope Poster 3d model contains 3,155 polygons and 3,204 vertices.

Sketchfab Top 10 - Week 2017-32: Thank you guys for checking out my models!! Big motivation!! Bringing 2d art into 3d scene is beyond fun! My 3d rendition of the Shepard Fairey’s Obama poster. Inspired by @Louis photogrammetry, thank him so much for making it downloadable! thanks to that the whole project took around 3 hours only! Blender Workflow: 1. Import Louis’s model. 2. Retopologise the head (quick and dirty). 3. Import a standard makehuman suit. 4. Load in the original artwork as background image 5. massage the mesh till it matches the reference 6. Project primary UV from camera view 7. Secondary UV for baking 8. Hand paint touchups for the texture 9. upload blend file!! - Obama Hope Poster - 3D model by twitte_king
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  obama   news   pop   shepard   american   president   poster   barack   politics   barackobama   obeya   potus   politicians   blender   blender3d (c) 2017-2021