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  Nerf Elite Disruptor 3D Model
Nerf Elite Disruptor 3d model
Nerf Elite Disruptor
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Model's Description:

Nerf Elite Disruptor 3d model contains 12,068 polygons and 6,287 vertices.

The NERF Disruptor was released in winter of 2016 as part of the N-Strike Elite series. It is a 6 shot revolver style sidearm and bears more than a passing resemblance to the hugely popular Strongarm but without the drop cylinder, instead using a front loading design. Elite Disruptor is a trademark of Nerf
Model's Textures: (5)

    A Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    R Texture #4
    R Texture #5
Keywords:  toy   shooter   nerf   target   pistol   disruptor   substancepainter   substance   gun (c) 2017-2021