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  Monument of the Marshal Saldanha 3D Model
Monument of the Marshal Saldanha 3d model
Monument of the Marshal Saldanha
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Model's Description:

Monument of the Marshal Saldanha 3d model contains 800,000 polygons and 404,788 vertices.

This is a low-res version of the photogrammetry based #3D model of the Marshal Saldanha. President of the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarves Marshal Saldanha , was an officer of the Portuguese Army , in which he reached the post of marshal , He was born in a noble family, where Marquis of Pombal has been a glorious grandfather of Saldanha. Meanwhile, he joined Freemasonry and from 1828 to 1837 he was the 1st Grand Master of the East Saldanha or Southern Freemasonry. The monument designed by Mr. Ventura Terra. It was completed on June 3, 1905; it has a height of 7.82m which, next to the statue of 3.18m, gives a total of 11m. * This is a model from our bonus-pack for our #photogrammetry tutorials and workshop - Monument of the Marshal Saldanha - 3D model by drone360pilot
Model's Textures: (1)

    RGB Texture #1
Keywords:  lisbon   portugal   historical   monuments   aerialphotogrammetry   metashape   agisoft   photogrammetry (c) 2017-2021