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  Model 99A 3D Model
Model 99A 3d model
Model 99A
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Model's Description:

Model 99A 3d model contains 157,312 polygons and 78,642 vertices.

This is an animation of subadult male Whale Shark (Individual TZ 209, “Mosi” Rhincodon typus) that was reconstructed from gopro footage based on dives with the shark nearby Mafia Island, Tanzania in November 2022. We thank Chris Rohner and Stephanie Venables for diving with us, and for providing footage and for generally supporting the work. CG artists Johnson Martin and Aaron Olsen used the software Blender to align various gopro camera views to reconstruc thte body shape of this individual. “Mosi” has been filmed previously along the Mafia coastline and is well known to divers there. The Marine Megafauna Foundation ( coordinated and supported this research, and Jon Bayuk kindly supported funded construction of the model and other costs. Downloads are freely available for creative and non-profit use. To inquire about licensing, please visit
Model's Textures: (3)

    N Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
    R Texture #3
Keywords:  shark   fish   biology   life   africa   gopro   science   3d   animation (c) 2017-2021