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  Metal Cabinet 3D Model
Metal Cabinet 3d model
Metal Cabinet
360 360 Preview
Model's Description:

Metal Cabinet 3d model contains 2,811 polygons and 1,577 vertices.

To see this asset rendered out check out the link to my instagram post: This cabinets design is based off of the Retrofuturism creative arts movement. The design features soft, rounded corners, vivid colours and unique design elements in order capture the Art styles depiction of the future from an earlier era. Modelled within Blender and texture painted in Substance Painter. Model features detailed mobile draws. PBR - Metallic Roughness - 4k 8 Bit (Normal 16bit)
Model's Textures: (4)

    A Texture #1
    N Texture #2
    RGB Texture #3
    R Texture #4
Keywords:  retro   classic   furniture   cabinet   1950s   retrofuturism   draws   furnituredesign   blender   art   blender3d   design   substencepainter (c) 2017-2021