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  Mark V Special Operations Craft 3D Model
Mark V Special Operations Craft 3d model
Mark V Special Operations Craft
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Model's Description:

Mark V Special Operations Craft 3d model contains 126,932 polygons and 66,409 vertices.

This model includes UVW Mapping using 2 textures (one boat, one detail) in 4K resolution. In addition there are 3 paint schemes for the boat which you can pick as desired (Grey, Grey Digi Camo, and Blue Digi Camo). The model contains many tris, but now with many more quads it is optimised and cleaned up for use in the gaming community. Natively built in C4D the model can be used in other formats that are provided to give a great effect. The building UVW Map is included that allows you to draw your own textures if you desire. Included formats with this model are: FBX, 3DS, Blender, C4D, DAE, and OBJ
Model's Textures: (2)

    RGB Texture #1
    RGB Texture #2
Keywords:  gunship   special   ops   seals   socom   vehicle   military   navy   boat   ussocom   swic (c) 2017-2021